Hi! Welcome to Anime3R (pronounced A-nim-er). Yes, I know, it's "another" anime review site. "Been there, done that.. Pffft!" :p
About our bloggers:
To me, it's something to satisfy the passion I have towards animes. It's something that I'm hoping will be able to help me give back to the anime community. I'll admit though. I have never donated. BUT! I always make sure my seed ratio is good before stopping a torrent. Lol! However, I do buy titles which I really enjoy, if I can find them.
Yes! Go hide in your corner and be ashamed of yourself! (Just messing around. :p)
Now, a little about my anime background. Well, I started enjoying animes since I was in college, about 17 I think. Back when DragonBall was still season 1. And I was watching Slam Dunk on National T.V. Shadow Skill and Boys Be.. were among the other titles I remember. Lol! Didn't stop ever since. Been finding and watching random animes ever since. I won't lie, there were times when I got bored and stop trying new animes. But it always comes back. :p The passion for animes. How it has the ability to make you feel Happy, Sad, Moody, Glad, etc. etc. Isn't it a wonder?
Don't think I will ever have enough. :)
MSN: antlee17@hotmail.com
For reference of our rating system, please click here.
We (or rather I) am currently hoping to find new reviewers to join Anime3r and help with the reviews. One guy can only watch so much anime. If you like what I'm doing here and would like to contribute, feel free to drop me a mail at antlee17@hotmail.com or add me at Twitter. Even if you just want to do a single post, be a long term author, or even just to say Hi. All are welcomed!
Perfect for anyone who just wants to write and fret and not worry about maintenance (not like there is any :p) or moderation.
Or would you just like to exchange Links? No problem. Just drop me a comment below.
Anna Yanami Gallery
6 days ago
Nice Site U got here ^^
ReplyDeleteThanks! I try pretty hard but I think I might be trying to do too much with this. Lol!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your site too. A whopping lot of anime screen shots. Lol! 56k Killer.
beautiful blog..great reviews..as for staff problem...we are looking for a reviewer ourselves ^^
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliment! Really appreciate it!
ReplyDeleteInitially I was hoping to be able to get more writers for the blog. But then I realized that most people, especially people who aspires to write, will probably have a different idea of what a good blog should be like anyway. So I really don't hope for much now. Lol!
But I thought I'd still leave the recruitment note up, just in case someone does feel like doing a single article or two. Just to test out his writing skills. Which is also one of the reason why I started up Anime3r too. :p
Thanks again! Motivation Level 2-des! Lol!
too bad I joined AnimeNerdz before I get to know you <_<
ReplyDeleteLol. Neh... You guys are doing a great job at AnimeNerdz! Great reviews... so sarcastically honest to the bone. :p Love it!