Saturday, August 22, 2009

Konami Asuna Kagurasaka

Finally, I'm posting about my G.A.C.C. loot. Nothing much, just some animes I have yet to watch , doujin works, figures and a badge. I don't know why. Funny thing is, among everything there, I love the badge the most. Lol!

Can you guys guess which character is in the badge? :p Answer will be revealed in future posts.

For now, here are some pictures of Konami's Asuna. It was very cheap I'd say, but you get what you pay for I believe. And see the numerous amount of flaws on this Konami figure. The obvious glue marks, seam lines, blur lining, etc. etc.

But hey, it's Negima! Got to represent! Lol!

Warm color settings Vs. Cool color settings

Anyone noticed something different with the pictures yet? Yeah, started watermarking em. I don't mind people using them to be honest, my pictures are as shitty as it can get. But I figured it would help Anime3R a little on the promotion side. -.-"

*Now excuse me while I crank the volumn up and indulge myself in some Coldplay... Life in Technicolor to be exact*


  1. badge: Nagi from Kannagi.

    Do I get a price for guessing it right? XD

  2. VERY NICE PHOTO~~ ur skill r improving ^^

    Luckly i didnt get lot of poison on GACC ^^ (lucky there's cosplayer ^^)

  3. I like the Mai thing there in the first picture!

  4. Hey you!

    Can I get you to write about Figurine Reviews and Recommendations on my site? Provided that you have the time to do so! ^_^

    Let me know... K?

    Here's the site:

  5. @klux
    Yeap! You got it right! It's Nagi. Hmmm.. Prizes, Yoshia! Just for you, I'm gonna do a fanart for you.

    Show everyone the hidden talent I have for vectoring characters which I stopped ever since I started getting stalked.

    Thank You! For giving me lots of photo shooting tips. And bearing with all my noobie questions like, "Erm.. What's focus point again?" or "Did you say aperture?" Lol!

    Will zoom in for a pic next post. But doesn't look like Mai when looking at in in person though. Just the clothing. But hey, whatever turns you on. :p
    Did Snark just revealed a hint of fan-dom? oOOooOOo.. Lol..

    Wow! I'm crazily honoured! But I've got to be honest with you. As I mentioned previously, I'm trying to cut down on figures. Been spending way too much money lately. Lol...

    So if you don't mind not-so-frequent posts, I'd love to do it. I'm budgeting maybe 1 figure every 2 to 3 months. -.-"

    Another thing is, my posts/photos are actually very inconsistent quality wise. Sometimes, by blind luck, I come up with some passable photo's or reads. But most of the time, my posts feels like Spam. So I'm kind of worried that my figure reviews won't live up to your expectations. :p

  6. I like you posts... they never came across spammer-ish to me.

    I still would like you to write some posts when you have the time. You can talk about the figurines you brought already, the conventions you've gone to, etc., etc.

    Contact me at: Send me an email and I'll send you the specs back. K? ^_^

  7. fanart?! omigosh do you accept request? @_@

  8. @Cag
    Mail sent. :)

    Erm.. Before the joke goes bad, I should probably mention that I was being sarcastic. Haven't drawn for a loooooong time.

    Lol... But if you have a request, I would love to try.

  9. *chuckles*
    do me anything bleach
    (you know I'm taking this VERY seriously, don't you? >=D)

  10. @klux
    Bleach... Checked!

    Yeah, right. Thanks for pressure.. *rolls eyes* -.-"
