Yeap... Anime3R reaches 1 year old upon midnight. Made a crappy little video to commemorate.
Don't know what's wrong with the audio but what the heck. :p
If you can view the words in this video. Click on it, go to youtube and select High Quality (HQ). Should help. ;)
Something I'd like to mention. I made this video in August/September so there were somethings which were not included in. Shitstorms like the Otaku Elimination Game. And blogger mentions like Phossil, Canime, FaS and NingYo. Since I met you guys after making this vid. :)
Now the "bad" news is. This also marks the last post in Anime3R.For sure! Fickle-minded fool, I am.
CidEvil, B-mecha, Phossil, and others. Do drop by NaNeee?! instead at Lol!
Started out Anime3R with the intention of anime blogging and improving my vocabulary. I do believe my vocabulary has improved. Through the course of anime blogging I've expended my control of english and have also learned words like Moe, Trolls, loli, Oppai and DannyChoo. LOL! Words indeed.
When I first started out, I did lack confidence as zzeroparticle mentioned when I drafted a review for his blog.
Well, 1 year has past and now hold my chest up high when someone mentions anime blogging. I know I'm heaps away. But hey! at least now I'm confident. Lol!
Hmm.. What else can I say? Well, simply just want to thank everyone again. But it's not over yet, for me anyway. Lol! I hope everyone enjoyed their stay. And at least had one good read. :)
Seeing how many blogs does this, here are my sorry-ass-excuse for bragging rights.
Mita from Miside
1 week ago